Avoid These Mistakes in Mauritius Travel

things not to do in mauritius

Imagine this: you step off the plane in Mauritius, your heart racing with excitement and anticipation. The warm breeze dances through your hair as you take in the vibrant colors of the island. You can’t wait to explore the stunning beaches, immerse yourself in the rich culture, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

But amidst the beauty and wonder of this tropical paradise, there are a few things you need to be aware of to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. To help you make the most of your Mauritius travel, we’ve compiled a list of common mistakes to avoid.

Key Takeaways:

  • Don’t hike without a guide to navigate the unfamiliar terrain.
  • Consult locals for directions instead of relying solely on Google Maps.
  • Be cautious of taxi drivers who may try to take you to affiliated shops.
  • Avoid using public washrooms and utilize the facilities in your hotel or resort.
  • Respect the local customs and traditions, and remember to prioritize your safety.

Hiking and Navigating Tips for Mauritius

When it comes to exploring the natural beauty of Mauritius, hiking is a popular activity that allows you to immerse yourself in the lush landscapes and breathtaking views. However, there are a few important tips and precautions to keep in mind to ensure a safe and enjoyable hiking experience. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or new to the sport, these guidelines will help you make the most of your trekking adventures in Mauritius.

Don’t Hike Without A Guide

The forests in Mauritius are known for their thick vegetation and rugged terrain. While it might be tempting to explore on your own, it is highly recommended to hire a local guide. A knowledgeable guide can help you navigate the unfamiliar trails, ensuring you don’t get lost and providing insight into the natural wonders you encounter along the way. They can also offer valuable safety tips and ensure you make the most of your hiking journey.

Don’t Trust Google Maps Blindly

While Google Maps might be a reliable tool in many destinations, it’s not as optimized for the specific locations in Mauritius. The accuracy of directions and information can vary, leading to potential confusion or inefficiency. It’s always best to consult with locals or other reliable sources for accurate guidance when navigating the island’s hiking trails. Their insights and recommendations can help you choose the most suitable routes and make the most of your time.

“Exploring the breathtaking beauty of Mauritius through hiking is an adventure worth embarking on. However, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and follow the right guidance.”

By following these tips, you can ensure a memorable and fulfilling hiking experience in Mauritius. Remember to pack appropriate gear, stay hydrated, and be respectful of the environment. The island offers a variety of hiking trails, from easy walks to challenging treks, catering to different fitness levels and preferences.

Hiking Safety Tips for Mauritius

Here are some additional safety tips to keep in mind during your hiking adventures:

  • Inform someone of your hiking plans, including the trail you’ll be taking and the expected duration.
  • Wear comfortable and sturdy footwear to protect your feet on uneven or slippery surfaces.
  • Carry a fully charged mobile phone in case of emergencies, but remember that network coverage may be limited in certain areas.
  • Apply sunscreen and wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun’s rays.
  • Bring insect repellent to ward off mosquitoes and other insects.
  • Pack enough water and snacks to keep yourself hydrated and energized throughout the hike.

Trail Name Difficulty Level Trail Length Estimated Time
Black River Gorges Moderate to Difficult 6.9 km 3-4 hours
Le Morne Brabant Challenging 7.5 km 4-6 hours
Tamarind Falls Moderate 2.5 km 2-3 hours
Rivière Noire National Park Easy to Moderate Various trails 1-3 hours

These are just a few examples of the wonderful hiking trails you can explore in Mauritius. Research and choose the trail that aligns with your fitness level and interests. Remember to respect the environment, follow any trail rules or guidelines, and enjoy the beauty of nature at a responsible pace.

Safety and Cultural Tips for Mauritius Travel

When traveling to Mauritius, it is important to prioritize safety and respect the cultural etiquette of the locals. Here are some essential tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip:

Beware of Taxi Drivers

Some taxi drivers in Mauritius are affiliated with local shops and may take you to these establishments in order to earn a commission. To avoid any unwanted surprises, be cautious and clarify your destination before getting into a taxi.

Don’t Trust Factory Shops

While shopping in Mauritius, it’s important to be aware of shopkeepers selling fake or inferior quality products. Exercise caution and do your research before making any purchases to ensure you get genuine and high-quality items.

Avoid Using Public Washrooms

Public washrooms in Mauritius can often be unclean and poorly maintained. To maintain hygiene, it is advisable to use the washrooms in your hotel or resort whenever possible.

Be Mindful of Food Choices

In religious places and certain cultural contexts, eating non-vegetarian food may be considered disrespectful. To demonstrate cultural sensitivity, it’s advisable to be mindful of what you eat in such settings and follow the local customs.

Remember, respecting local customs and traditions enhances your travel experience and fosters goodwill between visitors and locals.
– Mauritian Traveler

Safety and Cultural Tips for Mauritius Travel

Safety Tips Cultural Etiquette
Be cautious of taxi drivers affiliated with local shops Avoid eating non-vegetarian food in religious places
Research and verify the authenticity of products before purchasing from shops Observe and respect local customs and traditions
Use washrooms in hotels or resorts instead of public facilities Follow dress codes and norms when visiting religious sites

By following these safety tips and cultural etiquette, you can explore Mauritius with confidence and show respect towards the local community.

safety tips mauritius


Mauritius is a beautiful and diverse destination that offers a plethora of experiences for travelers. However, to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip, it’s crucial to be aware of the common mistakes to avoid. By following these Mauritius travel tips, you can make the most of your time on this enchanting island.

One of the key things to remember is to always hike with a guide when exploring the magnificent forests of Mauritius. The dense vegetation can be overwhelming, and having a knowledgeable guide by your side will help you navigate the unfamiliar terrain.

Additionally, be cautious when relying on Google Maps for directions. The map service may not be optimized for locations in Mauritius, so it’s advisable to consult locals for accurate guidance.

Furthermore, it’s important to be cautious of taxi drivers who may have affiliations with local shops. Ensure that you choose reputable taxi services to avoid any unwanted detours or scams. Similarly, be wary of factory shops that sell potentially fake or inferior quality products, and opt for trusted establishments instead.

To maintain your hygiene and well-being, it’s advisable to avoid using public washrooms. These facilities may not meet your standards of cleanliness. Instead, utilize the washrooms in your hotel or resort.

Respecting the local customs and traditions is paramount when traveling to Mauritius. Be mindful of the food you consume, especially in religious places where eating non-veg food may be deemed disrespectful. By being culturally sensitive, you can have a more wholesome and fulfilling experience.

By avoiding these common Mauritius travel mistakes and implementing these travel tips, you can ensure a memorable and rewarding visit to this stunning island paradise. Stay safe, embrace the local culture, and make the most of your trip to Mauritius!

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