Top 10 Caves in India to Visit in 2024

Top 10 Caves in India by Traveleva

India is home to beautiful caves that play an integral role in our heritage and culture, reflecting both religion and culture with their sacredness and symbolism.

Borra Caves or “Borra Guhalu” is one of the top 10 caves in India are famed for their stunning stalagmite and stalactite formations that can resemble Shiva Parvathi, crocodiles and even churches!

1. Elephanta Caves

These caves on Elephanta Island represent the excellence of Indian architecture and have been designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Trimurti in Cave 1 commands most of our attention. This 20 ft high sculpture depicting three headed Shiva symbolizes creation, preservation and destruction.

Archaeological Survey of India Aurangabad Circle oversees and maintains this site, performing tasks such as repairing broken pillars, consolidating floors and providing visitor facilities.

2. Sittanavasal Caves

This cave in Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu served as the residence for Jain monks from eastern India who practiced Jainism while living an austere lifestyle.

top 10 caves in india

The Ardhamandapam’s ceilings are decorated with frescoes dating back to the 7th century, which are considered among India’s finest early medieval period paintings and represent Jain thoughts and beliefs.

These paintings depict a lotus tank filled with natural-appearing figures of humans, animals, plants, birds and fishes that embody the Jain concept of Samavasarana.

3. Varaha Caves

Varaha Caves are part of Mahabalipuram’s UNESCO World Heritage Site is one of the top 10 caves in india and dedicated to Varaha avatar of Lord Vishnu; dating back to 7th century AD, these cave temples can be found near Mahabalipuram.

The mandapa is designed with fluted columns on cushion-shaped capitals and depictions of lions at its base, while also housing shrine models based on Greco-Roman designs.

Varaha, Vishnu’s boar avatar, appears on one of the most celebrated sculptural panels from Gupta period India, where he protects Mother Earth (Bhumi) from drowning in an oceanic tempest. It remains one of the most studied reliefs.

4. Dant or Toli Caves

The Dant or Toli Caves, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, feature stunning paintings on their walls. Locals refer to them as such because of how similar they resemble demon’s teeth and believe that these paintings were drawn by demons themselves.

Mahesh-murti, a three-form representation of Shiva including Aghora, Tatpurusha and Vamadeva is the centerpiece of this cave. Ardhanarishvara depicts male and female forms of Lord Shiva while its sculptors possess excellent knowledge of natya mudras; evident by their postures, expressions and details depicted.

5. Trichy Rock Fort Temple

The Rock Fort Temple (Malaikottai in Tamil), perched 83m above the city on an ancient rock formation is one of the top 10 caves in india, offers stunning city views. Comprised of two temples – Manikka Vinayaka near its foot and Sri Thayumanaswamy dedicated to Siva halfway up its slope – Malaikottai offers two distinct religious experiences within its walls.

Pallavas and Pandyas first created this rock, while Nayaks took full advantage of its fortified position during war-time. According to legend, Lord Ganesha ran uphill when fleeing King Vibishana; thus giving rise to Thayumanaswamy as its patron deity.

6. Nellitheertha Caves

Kateel Cave is known to have been visited by Sage Jabali and Durga Parameshwari; in return for Jabali’s penance she promised that Arunasura would be killed at Nellitheertha.

Sandstone cave temples constructed during Vishnukundin rule feature breathtaking examples of rock-cut architecture, featuring jaw dropping statues such as Vishnu in reclining position along with other sandstone figures.

Nellitheertha Cave Temple boasts both an artificial lake and Shiva lingam. Additionally, some believe that the mud inside has medicinal qualities that devotees can take home to themselves as part of their pilgrimage.

7. Pataleshwar Cave Temple

Pataleshwar Cave Temple in Pune is dedicated to Lord Shiva and houses an elegant circular Nandi Mandap crafted out of excavated monolithic rock during Rashtrakuta Dynasty’s rule during the 8th century AD. Conserved site also features walkways and massive pillars to further its splendour.

Temple sanctum sanctorum features Shiva Lingam as well as images of other Hindu deities, with an exotic arrangement of circular stones at its entrance that demonstrates their architects’ keen sense of geometry. It’s a must visit one of the top 10 caves in India.

8. Dandakaranya Caves

Dandakaranya region of Chhattisgarh was home to various creatures and demons known as Dandakaranya; Lord Rama and Sita resided here during their exile period.

Borra Caves in Ananthgiri Hills near Araku Valley are renowned for their spectacular speleothems – which include columns, stalagmites and flowstone draperies – along with being home to Indoreonectes evezardi fish species.

At Kishkindha near Hampi, Lord Rama met Hanuman during his exile. In Nasik is another site associated with Ramayana pilgrimages: Sita Gufa.

9. Rameshwaram Caves

This cave, found in Sittanavasal village in Pudukottai district and constructed around 7th Century AD is one of the top 10 caves in India, features spectacular sculptures and exquisite rock cuts that make this an unforgettable sight!

Ellora’s early Hindu caves were constructed during the Kalachuri and Rashtrakuta periods and dedicated primarily to Shiva. Most caves feature lingam-yonis at their centers as an offering to Lord Vishnu; one such cave, number 15, stands out as being truly spectacular architecturally, celebrating each incarnation. Ultimately it stands as one of Ellora’s finest masterpieces.

10. Gomateshwara Caves is one of the top 10 caves in india

Cave 2 of the Digambara sect of Jainism is an impressive vihara with 12 pillars supporting an enormous central hall that contains sculptures of sitting Buddha as well as Padmapani or Avalokitesvara flanked by Maitreya and Mahamayuri with their respective peacocks.

Cave 16 or Kailasa Temple’s intricate details were far-outshone by those in this cave, with bas relief depictions of Apsaras (celestial nymphs), musicians and Nagas. Additionally, this cave features an eye-catching monolithic elephant sculpture near its entrance; making this cave the most breathtaking of them all.

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